
Forms are available for you to download and complete as you need them. If you are unsure on how to complete a form or are unable to find what you need, please contact the Consumer Direct Care Network Nevada office at 877-786-4999.

Attention! Photo copies of forms don’t work – please always fax or mail the original, printed copy of the form. To get your original, printed copies of forms you may contact Consumer Direct Care Network Nevada and request we mail them to you.

Enrollment Packets and Forms

Agency-Based Personal Care Services Caregiver Employment Application – English

Agency-Based Traditional – Caregiver Enrollment Packet – Spanish

Self-directed Services Caregiver Enrollment Packet – English

Self-directed Services Caregiver Enrollment Packet – Spanish

If you are interested in general caregiving opportunities, please fill out the Agency-Based Personal Care Services Caregiver Employment Application.

If you are applying to work for a specific consumer who is self-directing their own services, please fill out the Self-directed Services Caregiver Enrollment Packet.